Untitled Document
   Alain Cantarel
Seduction is the master word coming into mind, flattering with smoothness and delight the senses and the eyes roaming over of Alain Cantarel’s sculptures.
The artist, who lives and works near Bordeaux develops, since the age of four, a passion for the matters, wood, stone, marble, metal, studying in the atelier of the bronze sculptor Claude Tourneur. From a design, to a wooden or plaster model, followed by the long work of removing the rough edges, liming and polishing, Alain Cantarel creates soon original works, with pure and harmonious shapes, in search of an ideal beauty, expressed through the dance, women, clasped lovers or sports.

Fascinated by the movements of dance, the artist casts fine arabesque silhouettes. The bended sensual bodies, inspired as well by classical tradition than rythmed dances – like rock-and-roll or flamenco -, radiate or unite, according to the instant chosen by the artist.
It is also the language of the bodies in duo, bearing the names of Attirance, La Tendresse, Alliance, Nymphéa, Symphonie, that seduce the eye, captivated by the emotional load which emerges from them, and also for the fascination of gold, combined with an Ocean-blue turquoise patina.
The mobiles, Métamorphose, Connaissance, Soleil, Eclosion, exercise the same visual attraction, whether they are open out, articulated around a stem, or in their basic « closed » state, alternating brilliance and opacity.

Over two hundred personal and group exhibitions insure to Alain Cantarel an international aura. He obtained numerous prices, among them : Saragosse (1974), Talence (1975), Angoulême (1977), Paris (1980, 1998), Meymac (1991) – and his works are in private and public collections in Japan, Australia, Yemen, Canada, United States, at the airport of Cayenne in Guyanne (2007) and in most of the European countries. Guest honour in numerous festivals and cultural centers, he was also asked by different companies for the realisation of trophies, like for the Committee of the Olympic Games, Vinexpo and the French Championship of Ice Skating.

Dr.Danielle Junod-Sugnaux

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  Alain Cantarel